How your purchase gives back

By purchasing an upcycled Desiree-B Design, you are contributing to the essential circular economy, helping charity, reducing landfill, and helping to protect our oceans and marine life. 5% of every sale is donated to the Australian Marine Conservation Society. 
Thanks for being Awesome!

A little more info...

Embracing and supporting the circular economy is about re-using resources that are already in circulation. Upcycling unwanted and discarded items into something new and wonderful, is giving them new life and reducing the demand on new resources. Lets make this, the way of the future wherever we can.

We purchase materials from local charity stores, these purchases are putting funds back into not-for-profit organisations and supporting the community, another win with thanks to your purchase.

By us purchasing pre-loved textiles and other items, they are saved from adding further to landfill. The textile and fashion industry worldwide are one of the biggest polluters on the planet, we have enough in circulation without needing more.

5% of every sale is donated to the Australian Marine Conservation Society. An independent charity, staffed by a committed group of scientists, educators and passionate advocates who have defended Australia’s oceans since 1965. AMCS works on the big issues that risk our ocean wildlife. Check out the information on their website here

Thanks for being a part of change and also supporting a small business with a dream.

Desiree~B xx